~ Pewter Pins & Gifts by T S Brown ~
Creator & Manufacturer of the finest English Pewter Pins & Gifts since 1986
Terry Brown has always
had a very strong interest
in fish and nature, this
passion is reflected in his
determination to create
the most accurate detail
in all of his products.

He has been a keen angler from an early age and this close
contact with many different species has enabled him to study
them and understand the subtle variations and detail that
makes them so unique. As an artist he is then able to create
quality sculptures that capture the true beauty of the subject.
T S Brown, 52 West Avenue North, Chellaston, Derby, DE73 5SG, UK
Tel: 0044 1332 703606 Fax: 0044 1332 690343 e-mail: info@pewterpins.net